Drilling and well technology. Reservoirs. Renewable energy.
Integrated marine environmental research and management.
Developing research results into new products, applications and services.
International Research Institute of Stavanger AS (IRIS) is continually looking for individuals to devote their creativity, motivation and skills on innovative projects at our goal and customer-oriented research institute. Our main resources are knowledge, experience, creativity and development of knowledge, adapted to a demanding international market. We believe that every individual is a unique and invaluable resource. We want your individual experience and skills to develop and contribute to growth in assets for customers and for the community. We are proud to offer an inspiring international working experience, where initiative, flexibility and responsibility are key terms. Researchers from 20 different countries collaborate with research institutes and universities world-wide. Out of approx 165 researchers and scientists, approx 80 have a doctorate. Please see the link below for one of our collaborations.

Latest News
What culture does for us: researching and evaluating European Capitals of Culture
Following a very successful launch in Brussels in July 2010, the outcomes of the European[…]
Space and Energy
IRIS har fått en rolle som teknologiformidler mellom det europeiske romfartsprogrammet (ESA) og norske bedrifter[…]
Ullrigg får 12 millioner kroner
Statoil gir 12 millioner kroner til testriggen Ullrigg. – Dette er fantastisk, sier Oddvar Skjæveland,[…]